Covid- 19 Update: This year we have a massive task of the greatly increased numbers of good quality Christmas gifts we need to purchase for our cared for children in Sunderland. Can you help us as we raise funds for 800 gifts we need to provide for those from tiny babies up to those leaving care and for whom Christmas will be very challenging and isolating this year. Please click here and be part of bringing kindness this year.
Every Christmas we work hard to raise funds to provide good quality presents for every child cared for by our local authority which are distributed at the wonderful Looked after Children Christmas party.
In 2019 we provided 549 presents and in addition over 100 presents for all those who had been adopted that year.
We also had the privilege of giving over 150 beautiful hampers with luxury items donated by our own and Together for Children staff to our care experienced young people in Sunderland who got to receive Christmas goodies they would not otherwise have had the chance to enjoy.
Our team were able to raise the much needed money by Carol singing in our local supermarkets and many of you kindly donated to our cause.
Radio Newcastle also joined our singing on their programme and helped promote the appeal. Thanks to Sainsbury Silksworth Sunderland, Tesco Sunderland and Asda Seaham who got behind us and gave lots of time for our Hopespring team of singers.